Programs & Meetings

Education Programs

OPEN TO ALL: Guest speaker presentation (following a brief business meeting).
3rd Thursdays @ 1:00 p.m. Attend in person at the NVGS Library or online.

A wide variety of genealogy topics are covered in these presentations, which invariably include valuable research advice and creative ideas. Programs are not held in December (holidays) or January (replaced by Annual Meeting).

Members receive email announcements with Zoom links in advance. Guests are welcome.

View upcoming programs. Please note: Non-members must register


Round Table Conversations

FOR MEMBERS: Round table conversations.
1st Mondays @ 11:00 a.m. Attend online.

After introducing that month's topic, the host invites participants to share stories and ask questions. Past topics have included interesting occupations, military families, and heritage foods. In contrast to our monthly educational programs, the format is more conversational and encourages social interaction. 

Members receive an email announcement containing Zoom links in advance.

View upcoming round tables. If you aren't a member, join today!


Annual Membership Meeting

FOR MEMBERS: NVGS holds its Annual Meeting each January on the 3rd Thursday, in lieu of that month's education program. During this meeting, we review the past year's accomplishments, goals for the coming year, approve the budget, and elect new officers.


Board Meetings

The Board of Directors meets on the 2nd Friday of each month, 10:30 a.m., at the NVGS Library. Meetings include oversight of the Society's operations, planning, and committee updates. Board meetings are open to NVGS members.


Napa Valley Genealogical Society

Researching Family Stories Since 1974

Library & Mailing Address:

1701 Menlo Ave

Napa, CA 94558-4725   |   Hours

Corner of California Blvd and Menlo Ave
Street parking  |  Main entrance on Sonoma St

(707) 252-2252

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Email the webmaster.

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Tax ID #23-7444798


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